Leaf Protection Gutter Systems
Looking For The Perfect Leaf Protection Gutter? Sorry, it Doesn't Exist.

Leaf Protection - Gutter Protection
You’ve heard these words over and over and over….and they are ALL the best! Just ask any one of them… Leaf Guard, Gutter Helmet, Leaf Relief, Gutter Brush, K-Guard, Gutter Topper, Gutter Remedy, Leaf Filter, Rhino and they will all tell you why they’re the best and how they work just perfectly. Here’s a secret they don’t want you to know. None of them are flawless.
The question then becomes, how much of your hard earned money do you want to spend to eliminate one problem only quite likely to create another?
The Benefits and Drawbacks
Do all or most of these systems minimize or practically eliminate leaves in the gutter?
Will they lessen the chance you’ll have to get on a ladder wearing gloves, carrying a garbage bag and garden shovel to scoop slimy, smelly gunk out of your gutters?
Will some of these systems overflow and wash out your flowerbeds and landscape?
How about creating sheets of ice in places you never had before?
Will some become the ultimate condominium and hangout for bees and wasps?
Leaf and Gutter Protection 101
There are basically three types of gutter guards or leaf guard systems and here are the choices along the benefits and drawbacks for each one of these systems.
1) The Cover Style
1. Covers
2) The Screen and Micro Mesh Style
2. Screens
3) The In-Gutter System
3. In Gutter
1) The Cover Style (Gutter Helmet, Leaf Guard, K-Guard, etc.)

The Benefits
The Pros

The Cost
The Math
Let’s just say the average service call to clean gutters from a reputable company is $125. Based on the example above, you could literally have your gutters cleaned every year for 21-43 years without any of the drawbacks listed above.
2) The Screen and Micro Mesh Style (Leaf Filter, Rhino, Leaf Relief, etc.)
Fits in most existing gutters.

The Benefits
The Drawbacks

The Cost - Moderately Expensive
The Math
Let’s just say the average service call to clean gutters from a reputable company is $125. Based on the example above, you could literally have your gutters cleaned every year for 13-29 years without any of the drawbacks!
3) The In-Gutter System (Gutter Brush, Gutter Stuff, Flo Free, etc.)
Fits in existing gutters.